Some 100 demonstrators in support of Proposition 30 paraded to the governor’s office from City Hall Friday when they were ambushed by a horde of flesh-eating zombies.
The quarter-mile march was aimed at gathering support for the proposition that calls for tax increases to prevent further cuts to public education funding.
The group was comprised of L.A. college and community members from all over Southern California.
Dozens dressed as zombies to symbolize the horrifying obstacle that will be posed against public education funding if Prop. 30 does not pass.
“I came here to show support for Prop. 30 which is supposed to fund the schools,” undead Pierce student Bernard Hanamichi said. “If it doesn’t pass we’re going to lose a lot of classes over the course of the next couple semesters.”
The zombies prepared for their attack in a parking lot located at the intersection of Spring and Second Street.
Hanamichi, who was dressed as a zombie, is involved in Pierce’s student government as well as other groups that helped coordinate the event such as: Students Organizing for Success (SOS) and the Resistance Against the Gutting of Education (RAGE).
Brenda Medina, a coordinator of the event as well as a California State University, Northridge graduate, also participated as a zombie and even helped by applying makeup to others.

“We wanted to symbolize the sucking out of education if Prop. 30 doesn’t pass,” said Medina.
Pierce student and RAGE member, Rueben Garcia, participated in the downtown march as well, but as a student survivor.
“We’re down to the bones and any more cuts will definitely hurt the system as a whole,” Garcia said.
The Prop. 30 advocates carried signs reading “Yes on 30.”
While the zombies wore T-shirts saying “NO MORE FEE HIKES!” and “Budget Cuts Kill” written in blood.
The group shouted chants as they marched saying “They say cut back, we say fight back!”
“Hey-hey, ho-ho, these budget cuts have got to go!” said the march. “Yes on 30, budget cuts do me dirty!”
The walk turned into a run when the zombies jumped from an alleyway on the way to the governor’s office.
Screams and laughs could be heard up and down Spring Street as the zombies chased the march past their intended destination on 3rd Street.
Organizers had to call for the demonstrators and zombies to return to the governor’s office where teachers and students took a moment to speak about the importance of voting for Prop. 30 and taking a stand for public education funding.
Cars honked in support of the demonstration that ran until later in the afternoon.
Members of the American Federation of Teachers spoke after the march, as well as student presidents from different colleges.
The event was organized by members from Region VII of the Student Senate for California Community Colleges (SSCCC), which represents 14 community college campuses in the Los Angeles area.
The organization geared toward improving student success used Facebook to promote the event, inviting 2,750 people.
Only 89 replied to say they are “going,” while 76 said “maybe.”
According to John Fraser, president of Region VII, “The Walking Debt” march took about a month to plan with permits being approved only days before the event.
“The turnout was inspiring considering the dismal parking situation in downtown by City Hall,” Fraser said.
Fraser, who also spoke in front of the governor’s office during the event, did much of the preparation for the event.
Election day is Tuesday, Nov. 6.