Los Angeles Valley College was evacuated Thursday morning during winter intersession classes after authorities received a call that a woman was threatening a shooting on the campus in Valley Glen. The threat called for an immediate evacuation of the campus and a lockdown of Grant High School, according to officials. A police investigation near the campus found the gunman- a 21-year-old former female student- who was handcuffed and detained by authorities. Valley College will remain on lockdown until 5 p.m. where students will finish taking their finals. Grant High School which is adjacent to the Valley College campus was also put temporarily put on lockdown as “a precaution” according to Los Angeles School Police Department Chief Steven Zipperman. Today’s baseball game between Pierce College and Valley scheduled for 2 p.m. was also cancelled. “Due to closure of the campus until 5 p.m. the baseball game between Pierce College and Valley has been cancelled,” said Senior Office Assistant with Valley Sheriff’s Station Anna Robinson.