Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced today that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program is being rescinded.
The Trump administration has given Congress a six-month timeframe to address issues regarding DACA. Sessions called the protections provided by former President Barack Obama an “unconstitutional exercise of authority by the executive branch,” according to an article in USA Today.
The Department of Homeland Security has stopped accepting applications for to the DACA program, but current recipients will not be affected until March 5 of next year, according to the same USA Today article.
The DACA program went into effect in 2012 and there were many requirements before a recipient could be accepted.
Requirements can be seen here: https://www.uscis.gov/humanitarian/consideration-deferred-action-childhood-arrivals-daca
Termination of the program could cost the United States $215 billion, according to NBC4 News.
There are an estimated 800,000 children of undocumented immigrants currently in the United States, according to the Los Angeles Daily News.
Chancellor of the Los Angeles Community College District Francisco C. Rodriguez sent out an email to students, staff and faculty in the district and expressed his concerns and comments about the current situation, which could affect more than 11,000 students currently enrolled in LACCD.
“Stay enrolled in school and, if working, maintain your employment. Do nothing to jeopardize your current status,” Rodriguez wrote.
The email also said that LACCD is committed to being a place where all students can enroll and achieve their educational goals, regardless of immigration status.
Mayor Eric Garcetti made a statement earlier today in which he addressed the diversity of Los Angeles and how well the city is doing. Garcetti also stated what he thinks the Trump administration should do.
“Get your act together and do what’s right for America,” Garcetti said. “Pass the Dream Act once and for all.”
Rodriguez closes out the email by stressing that students stay enrolled in school.
“You have our support, respect and admiration. We are committed to standing by your side as you succeed and reach your goals at LACCD,” Rodriguez said. “Adelante estudiantes!”