Quotes and photos gathered by Jackelyn Ruby.

“Well, we normally would go to different parties every weekend in October, but this year my husband and I have decided to just invite my sister and her boyfriend over and hangout. We do not want to expose ourselves to large gatherings like we normally would have.”
– Ellie Cedillo

“I would normally take my two daughters trick-or-treating at the local mall and we would host a yearly Halloween party. This year we are not having our yearly party and I will be taking my daughters to the drive-in trick or treating at the West Covina mall.”
– Vanessa Villanueva

“I usually go all out on Halloween as I celebrate my birthday during this time. However, with all of the COVID-19 restrictions this year I am finding it difficult to continue my yearly tradition. This year I am renting a cabin in Big Bear and with four close friend we will be celebrating it out there.”
– Marlyn Alas

“I would normally work on Halloween night since I am a server at a high end scale restaurant in Malibu. My family would host a party to celebrate Halloween but with this pandemic we have decided not to do anything and stay indoors.”
– Gabe Beltran