California College Media Awards 2022
Third place best magazine photo series: Raquel Frohlich
Third place best magazine photo: Bala Subramaniyan
Best magazine inside page and spread design: Katya Castillo
Third place best magazine story: Michael Loizzo
Third place best podcast: Fabiola Carrizosa
Second place best editorial cartoon: Dominique Duñgo
Third place best breaking news story: Felipe Gamino
Second place best newspaper: Trisha Anas, Shehreen Karim
First place best non-news video: Gininia Pulcinella
First place best news photograph: David Pashaee
First place best photo series: Ben Hanson, Aubrie Andrade
First Place Best overall newspaper design: Trisha Anas, Shehreen Karim
First place best magazine cover design: Katya Castillo
General excellence magazine: The Bull staff
General excellence print edition: The Roundup staff
General excellence online edition: The Roundup staff
Honorable mention online photo Story, essay: Brandon Sinclair
Third place webcast/broadcast news: Fabiola Carrizosa
Third place magazine photo: Bala Subramaniyan
Third place magazine design/layout: The Bull staff
Fourth place magazine photo: Katya Castillo
Fourth place magazine photo story- essay: Raquel Frohlich
Honorable mention magazine illustration: Dalaanii Cochrane
News Photo Honorable mention: David Pashaee
Honorable mention video journalism: Bala Subramaniyan