Since the beginning of time, elders participating in communal discussions and councils has been an esteemed concept due to the invaluable experiences and wisdom they hold.
Their experiences and wisdom have been used as guide maps for the many inexperienced youth of today who lack the life lessons learned from trial and error.
According to an article by the National
Library of Medicine, there are multitudinous “benefits of intergenerational wisdom sharing.” Of these benefits “is that older people benefit from opportunities to express generativity—making the world a better place for further generations,” while youth hold a special role which “includes the importance of receiving wisdom.”
The unique work experiences, perspectives, and diverse backgrounds elders hold equip them with problem-solving skills and empathy that simply vouch for why there shouldn’t be an age limit on elected officials.
National elected officials should be chosen based on their abilities, ideas, and merit rather than their age. This not only helps to promote an inclusive environment, wherever it may be, but also fosters the active participation of young minds and aids their learning.

But elders aren’t the only recipients of this concept, youth are too.
According to an article by Youth First Inc, when youth acquire jobs of any kind “they learn how capable they are, which in turn builds confidence and self-reliance.” This, in turn, can help them feel more “independent and have the confidence to further their development with a sense of responsibility.”
By not placing an age limit on national electoral candidates, this opens the door for young people to take positions, promoting civil participation through active representation.
This can also help shape the experience of many young people in the United States and better curate their living experience for this generation.
By not placing an age limit on the national electoral candidates, this establishes an equal opportunity for people of all ages and stands firmly against ageism, something that is important for the grounds of a successful Congress, senate, and more.
According to an article by, equality of opportunity means “ensuring that all interested individuals have the same ability to access,” and achieve, “without discrimination based on irrelevant factors such as age, race, religion, or gender.”
By not placing an age limit on the national electoral candidates, the United States stands with the just thought of equality of opportunity.
Electing electoral candidates based on their skills and ideas ensures that the best candidates are chosen for the job. Ultimately, this will foster richer amalgams of thoughtful and qualified individuals, regardless of their age.