The Pierce College men’s volleyball team is at the end of their season and ready to wrap things up and prepare for the next.
Though this season left the team with a 2-11 record, they are optimistic for the future and are looking forward to growing as a team, according to freshman libero Marcus De Vera.

Team captain and sophomore outside hitter Vincent Harris believes that hard work is what made the team great.
“I think that our team, despite our record, has matched up well with most of the teams in our conference,” Harris said. “These other teams have the luxury of height and physicality so we know we have to work twice as hard to keep up, and I feel we’ve done a good job with that this year.”
De Vera praised his teammates and said that he felt a true brotherhood in the team.
“They were amazing to play with but also great role models, teammates and friends,” De Vera said. “I truly wish them the best and the legacy they leave will show in the coming years. The culture they helped build was truly an amazing thing to see and be a part of.”