Haven Hills, a non-profit organization that provides help for survivors of domestic and sexual violence, brought a health fair to the Pierce College campus on Sunday. Sexual Assault Awareness Month was first observed in April 2001.
Along with resources and a mobile health clinic, there were activities, food and music for attendees.
Krysta Warfield, the program outreach manager at Haven Hills, said this was their first annual sexual assault awareness event.
“We did choose Pierce—outside of good parking and location—because of the prevalence of sexual assault on college campuses,” Warfield said. “We’re just trying to elevate the voices of those who are forced to stay in silence, and bring the conversations to places that the assaults are happening.”
About 15-20 vendors participated in the event, according to Warfield.
“We have yoga, an art exhibit table, health clinics, resources that sexual assault victims or survivors would access,” Warfield said. “Because a lot of times, with domestic violence and sexual assault, there’s a lot of intersectionality. These are two topics that are taboo to talk about, and a lot of people don’t know where the resources are.”
Sophie Lotterstein contributed to this story.