“My native language is Spanish. When I went to high school, I took French one through four. I need to learn Portuguese—my husband’s Brazilian, so when I visit Brazil, I like to be able to communicate with others.”
Pierce Interim President Ara Aguiar
“My native language is Tagalog, which is from the Philippines. When I was in high school, I took four years of Spanish, and so I would love to continue to be more fluent in Spanish—right now, it’s very conversational. English is my second language, and I ended up in communications because it just happened to be an interest of mine.”
Pierce Director of Marketing Imee Perius

“My native language is Spanish and I mainly just speak Spanish and English, but I’m trying to learn Korean and Mandarin. I chose Korean and Mandarin because I wanted to challenge myself.”
Karen Rosales – Studio art major

“My native language is English, but I also speak Russian. I was born to Ukrainian parents and it was kind of just passed on to me, so I just speak Russian with my family.”
Nikita Lebenkov – Student Services receptionist

“My native language is Spanish. I know Spanish and English and I’m learning Nahuatl, which is Mayan, and the reason I’m learning that language is because I’m trying to decolonize myself.”
Daniel Moran – Horticulture major

“I speak English, and a little bit of Spanish. I’m trying to learn Portuguese and Spanish as much as I can.”
Gisselle Skarseth – Nursing major

“Just English. I’m not learning one, but if I were to choose one it would either be Japanese or Russian.”
Christopher Rubinstein – Film major