Preventing car accidents near campus

Preventing car accidents near campus

A two-car accident occurred by the Pierce College Winnetka Avenue campus entrance at Brahma Drive on March 12. This is the same intersection where collisions occurred in May 2014, March 2015, August 2017 and November 2022.

While there is a protected left turn onto Brahma Drive from Winnetka Avenue, the recent accident highlights the need for making the protected left-turn green arrow turn on for every cycle. Drivers attempting to turn left during a full green must yield the right-of-way to oncoming traffic.

However, motorists tend to underestimate the speed of oncoming traffic, which could result in damages and potentially deadly consequences. 

The U.S. Department of Transportation reported that as many as 26 percent of all traffic accidents result from drivers turning left. This is especially hazardous to inexperienced drivers with driving permits. 

The number of fatal accidents involving young people ages 15-20 in California ranges from 326 to 448 per year. This demographic is likely to be involved in car collisions due to their immaturity and high-risk tolerance. Factors that would exacerbate such accidents include speeding, driving under the influence, night driving and the presence of more passengers, leading to peer pressure.

In California, the party making the left turn is financially liable for most accidents. This could potentially place a heavy financial burden on someone living in Los Angeles County, especially those experiencing certain financial strains in college. 

It’s time for members of the LACCD to petition the local government to change this intersection to prevent more collisions. 

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