Tyler McGee / Roundup
Students in the South Gym met with several unexpected visitors today when a swarm of cockroaches appeared in the hallways. Perhaps its time to invest in products to get rid of them, similar to what you can learn about at Roachspot (https://roachspot.com/).
However, the cockroaches that were on outside walls as well as the gym’s hallway corridor floor may be the least of Pierce employees’ concerns. Cockroaches can be unpleasant for anyone who encounters them, whether it be in the workplace or at home. Some people who find cockroaches in their homes will try their best to get rid of them, which means throwing out furniture or food. Calling in an exterminator or steam cleaning (using a steam cleaner from somewhere similar to https://www.bissell.com/steam-and-hard-floor-cleaners/steam-cleaners) the affected area.
Pierce has had issues this week with work attendance from their custodial staff. On Wednesday nine of 19 custodians assigned to the early “A-Shift” showed up for work. Then today eight of 19 custodians assigned to the “A-shift” showed up.
Both days Director of Facilities Paul Neiman sent e-mail’s to the staff saying the main priority was trash pick-up and restrooms.
Following today’s events, Neiman issued this statement regarding the custodian attendance.
“I am hopeful that the custodial staff attendance will improve, we are doing what we can to make that happen.”
As for the cockroach problem, Neiman was unaware of the situation at the time of inquiry. Neiman did say he would have someone look into the issue.
Whitney Turner, 19, a business major, was present when the cockroaches appeared.
“I think it is disgusting. They spent all this money to fix our gym, but yet they can’t buy some bug spray. We need better janitors on campus!”
Editor’s note: Amber-Rose Kelly contributed to this article.

(Amber-Rose Kelly/ Roundup)

(Amber-Rose Kelly/ Roundup)