World-renowned HIV/AIDS specialist Eric Daar, M.D., will be speaking at the Center for Sciences building in Room 91126 Wednesday, Oct. 19, from 2:20 ro 3:2o p.m.
The event will focus on the epidemiology prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS and will cover the changing crisis in the spread of the disease.
“[Daar is] a pioneer in educating people about how to live life when suffering the disease,” said Life Sciences Professor Bernardine Pregerson.
Dr. Daar is currently the director of HIV Medicine Harbor at UCLA Medical Center, as well as a professor and researcher at the UCLA School of Medicine.
“There’s a reason why he gets up at 3 a.m. every morning: because he’s extremely busy and passionate about bringing awareness about HIV,” said Pregerson.
Most people are not aware that many HIV cases start out because of drug and alcohol abuse; and the treatment of this disease needs to be taken with empathy.
Pregerson says that through Daars knowledge about the disease one will be able to understand how the treatment needs to be based on each person and not just one method that works for everyone.
“Its the art of specializing on each patient; and it takes a tremendous amount of patience because without it, it can become very complicated,” says Pregerson. “Dr. Daar has spoken at Pierce College several times and my hope is that after attending this event, students will gain further knowledge about this major epidemic.”