Tennis Wrap-up

The Pierce College tennis team ended the season, 7-3, making it to the playoffs as one of the top two teams. Many came in as new players, including the No. 1 player at Pierce, 18-year-old freshman Kostya Omelyanchuk. “I bring confidence to the team,” he stated.

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The only female swimmer heads for championship

Christina Courtney, the only female on the Pierce College swimming team, has qualified for the state championships, which take place tomorrow through Saturday at Saddleback College in Mission Viejo. She made it through last week’s conference championships, and now moves on to the 2008 California Community College Athletic Association State Swimming and Diving Championships.

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Softball closes out season with a shine

With their heads up and smiles on their faces, the softball team ended their season of ups and downs with something to be very proud of. Despite their many young players, girls dropping out, and the team having only one pitcher, they managed to pull off almost triple the amount of last year’s wins, according to head coach Pat Grennan.

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Learning Center a win-win for students, tutors

Pierce College student Terrelle Jones, a 19-year-old business major, resorts to the Learning Center for math tutoring and studying. Jones has been attending Pierce for two years. Like many students, he has stumbled with math and biology. At the Learning Center, he has found tutors who have helped him grasp a better concept of the material he’s studying.

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Celebrating Cinco De Mayo

Contrary to popular belief, Cinco De Mayo is not Mexico’s Independence Day; It’s not even a national holiday. It’s the anniversary of a battle Mexico won against the French army in 1862. Yet, the “holiday” is overblown here in the United States, with Cinco De Mayo.

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Campus Wi-Fi in the works

Wireless Internet access is in the works for the Pierce College campus, but according to Information Technology Manager Mark Henderson, “we haven’t fleshed out all the particulars yet.” The hazy details include the cost of the project and the funding source, the timeframe in which it will be completed and the areas where Wi-Fi will be installed on campus.

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Pierce College went back to its agricultural roots, putting construction and expansion aside to celebrate the 16th annual Farmwalk on Sunday. Animals from the city joined the animals from the farm, along with some exotic animals from as far as South America, at this unique event where, for one day, Pierce opens up its farmland to the community to both entertain and educate children and adults.

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Hands-free cell phone use while driving may be harmful

Speculation in the world of psychology suggests the law banning the use of hand-held cell phones while driving, which goes into effect July 1, may do more harm than good. The issue of “cognitive capture,” or the idea that conversations on cell phones are the cause of accidents and not the actual holding of them, was reported on by the Los Angeles Times March 25, A letter from Norman Mineta, former secretary of transportation, was run with the article in the online edition.

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