In this day and age, how possible is it to get a great-paying job without an education? Education and work experience come hand-in-hand. It’s rare to find that someone is just going to school, or just working. It’s definitely not easy juggling work and school, but it is possible.
Author: Archive
Sheriff’s Blotter
March 3 10 p.m. In Room 1205, a student complained about an employee harassing her while she picked up cans from inside the classroom. March 4 A student collapsed in Parking Lot 6 while walking to class, and was transported to the hospital by LAFD.
Six schools take on new superintendent
A new superintendent of instruction for the mayor’s Partnership for Los Angeles Schools has been recently appointed. Angela Bass, a top administrator in the San Diego Unified School District, was chosen by Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa to oversee the six campuses included in his partnership.
Tue, Mar 11, 2008
, New ATM installed in Country Café (An ATM made its return to the Country Café on Feb. 28 and the addition of a new
The spring elections for positions in the Associated Students Organization have been scheduled for April 14 and 15, with a debate forum scheduled for April 8. The official list of candidates was released early last week. There are four candidates for the position of president: Skyler Grant, Sallay Manah, Christian Marfil and Adam Wade.
Bonds for past, present, future
When the Los Angeles Community College District did not get enough money for construction under Proposition A in 2001, they sought out for more. The district went out to the voters with Proposition AA in 2003 and received another $980 millionfor the bond construction program.
All cell phones off please
A fail. A zero. Suspension. Possible expulsion. An Academic Dishonesty Report on file. These are the possible disciplinary actions for cheating. The decision to cheat or not to cheat remains fully in the student’s own hands. The consequences can be severe and may end up costing a lot in the long run.
Make a difference
Improving the environment is difficult for one Pierce College student, but all of us collectively can make a big change. If all Pierce students eliminate one environmentally-harmful habit, it would amount to more than 21,000 changes. Scientists around the world warn of ozone depletion, environmental pollution and global warming, which affect our lives directly.
The Weekly Blotter
Feb. 19 1:30 p.m. Someone reported graffiti on the walls of the North Gym restrooms. 5:30 p.m. Sometime between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., a vehicle was stolen from Parking Lot 4. The victim left the keys in the vehicle. Feb. 20 1:20 p.m. In the Horticulture parking lot, a vehicle was damaged by an unknown object.
Black History Month:
Black History Month is a time to reflect upon the works and achievements of black people like Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks and Malcolm X – pioneers who fought for equal rights, respect and freedom. Is it our job as a people to keep those dreams alive? Yes.