The installation of an intercom system, enabling direct communication from classrooms to the sheriff’s office, should be complete by the beginning of the Fall 2008 semester. Nextel has created a one-of-a-kind prototype call box that teachers and students alike can use to directly speak to the sheriff in the case of an emergency.
Author: Archive
Boondock smokers
“Moooo!” No, it’s not the sound of cattle being herded along the farm road; it’s the sound of smokers being herded into any one of the nine tiny boxes where we are now allowed to smoke on campus. All we need now are faculty members standing around us with electric cattle prods to make sure we stay within the lines.
Suffering secondhand
It is safe to assume that everyone reading this publication is well aware of the fact that cigarette smoke is harmful to an individual’s health. The number of public service announcements warning consumers of the fatality of smoking cigarettes is countless.
Weight of a hundred propositions
The election approaches and all of California’s residents have, in recent weeks, been bombarded by television, radio and mail advertisements urging us to vote “Yes” or “No” on the six propositions that have been tacked on to the presidential primaries this time around.
CSU’s change application deadline
A new deadline for most California State University applications will begin six months earlier than usual, on Feb. 1st and will affect up to 10,000 incoming freshmen. The deadline change does not affect community college transfer students, only high school graduates coming into the CSU system as freshmen.
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Southern California may not get very much snow, but that doesn’t stop a Woodland Hills neighborhood, just minutes away from Pierce College, from transforming into a winter wonderland.
Holiday Special! A look at Candy Cane Lane!
Southern California may not get very much snow, but that doesn’t stop a Woodland Hills neighborhood, just minutes away from Pierce College, from transforming into a winter wonderland. Every year, around Christmastime, the four streets of Candy Cane Lane stemming from Oxnard Street just east of Winnetka Avenue, illuminate the valley with its festive decorations and lights of every color.
Extended Opportunity Programs and Services:
The Extended Opportunity Programs and Services is a 35-year-old program offered by Pierce College that provides extended services for students who are handicapped by language, social, economic and educational disadvantages.
Tournament Weekend for Women’s Basketball
The Pierce College Women’s Basketball tournament took place at the South Gym on Nov. 23 to 25. Eight colleges took part in it the tournament, including: Citrus, Cuyamaca, East L.A., L.A. City, L.A. Valley, Mission, Oxnard and Pierce.
Welcome to Pierce:
The people we allow to play soccer on our fields are trashing the Village restrooms. Our custodial staff, already overstretched with Pierce College’s 20,000 students, does not need the added mess. Now, thanks to the soccer organizations that play soccer here and students who walk onto the campus, the custodians must deal with the mud and grass the kids and students bring along with them when they come to use our bathrooms.