New online casino gaming classes are now being offered at the Pierce College Extension. The program is designed to train people who are interested in a career in the casino gaming industry. The Pierce College Extension, in partnership with Gatlin Education Services (GES), is offering a handful of new gaming-related courses.
Author: Archive
SFV Symphony Orchestra hits Mainstage
Founder and conductor of the San Fernando Valley Symphony Orchestra, James Domine, performed his latest work “Legend for Orchestra” on the Pierce College Performing Arts Building Mainstage Nov. 17. “Legend for Orchestra” is a symphonic narrative based on the romance of Taliesin.
Volleyball strikes out in regionals
After winning their seventh Western State Conference title and first-round match in this year’s Regionals tournament, the Pierce College women’s volleyball team members’ season is at an end after losing to Fullerton College over the weekend, 3-1. The Brahmas of volleyball began their Regional matches Tuesday Nov.
A legacy of excellence
Winning a championship is no cakewalk; now, the Pierce College women’s soccer team has done it three times in a row. This year the team has been consistently impressive. A 2-0 win against Bakersfield College this month resulted in them winning its third consecutive Southern Division Western State Conference championship.
Letter to the Editor
Dear Editor: It is extremely gratifying to learn there will be a better access to the campus from the Orange Line. It can’t come soon enough for me! (The pace at which I am taking classes, I guess I will still be here when it happens.) Walking across the soccer field, I hold my breath anticipating the sprinklers will go on at any minute! When it rains, I just cannot go across the field and instead have to walk on Victory Boulevard from Winnetka Avenue to the Mason Avenue entrance.
Excuse me officer, I have a class to teach
The campus is currently experiencing hectic times because of road closures, lost parking spaces, increased noise and dust, and some general confusion caused by the building program. But the temporary discomfort is well worth the ultimate improvement. Some days I have to park behind the North Gym and walk a quarter of a mile to my office, but we are all doing similar things and I believe that we are all pulling together to get through this period.
Iconic emcee redeemed
Jay-Z’s latest effort, “American Gangster,” not only marks a return to greatness for the legendary emcee, it marks the return of quality hip-hop to the mainstream. According to Jay-Z, “Gangster” chronicles the rise and fall of a fictional, larger-than-life crime figure loosely based on Frank Lucas, Denzel Washington’s character in the film of the same title, and on his own experiences.
Please stop hurling junk food at our time-deprived students
From pizza and chips to soups and lattes, the variety of food offered at Pierce College is incredible. Although I have never considered myself to be a health freak, eating well is a part of my everyday life. I have sat through one too many science and health classes at Pierce not to know that maintaining a balanced diet contributes greatly to a better quality of life.
Dark Age epic transcends 21st century cinema
There’s not much that can be done to save a 1300-year-old epic poem from making a dull film, but digital recreation of Angelina Jolie as a demon sorceress is certainly a step in the right direction. Despite its age, the raw coolness of “Beowulf” promptly does away with any bad memories high school English may have left with audiences.
Students renew their love for literature
“Catcher in the Rye,” “1984,” “To Kill a Mockingbird,” “The Great Gatsby” and “Harry Potter”- using the wonders of Facebook are the top books read by local college students in the network. But when all the homework is done, when eight-houvvr shifts have been worked and stomachs have been fed, what would the average college student prefer to do with that precious time? Would they rather strain their eyes watching TV, playing video games or checking their latest comments on MySpace? Or would they prefer to spend some quality time with Boo Radley, Holden Caulfield or the beloved wizard, Harry? Many students probably lost the urge to read for pleasure well before they had to balance 12 units and part-time jobs.