California’s Work Opportunities and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) and Greater Avenues for Independence (GAIN) are programs available at Pierce College to assist students in receiving funds for childcare, books and supplies, uniforms and tools, work-study opportunities and employment information.
Author: Archive
Hillel says Shalom
Hillel, the club for Jewish students, has open arms to anyone who wants to join in their year around events. Hillel had a kick-off free “Kosher BBQ Thursday,” with tropical drinks and a “rockin’ hula contest.” Andrew Schwartz, part of the Jewish Campus Services Corps Fellow, said he is looking forward to additonal students joining the club this semester.
Textbook bills compete for governor’s approval
Gov. Arnorld Schwarzenegger has undoubtedly penned many an autograph in his days as both a respected governor and a Hollywood hero. But before Oct. 14, college students and lawmakers around the state want him to sign one more piece of paper, one last time.
Federal Financial Aid reform bill signed
For the first time in more than 15 years, a historic higher education reform bill, the College Cost Reduction and Access Act (CCRAA), will end financial restraints that have haunted American college students. President George Bush signed the bill into law on Sept.
Possible reduction in student enrollment fees from $20 per unit to $15.
Pierce College’s Academic Senate met Sept. 24 to discuss reports from the last senate meeting and possible actions to take place. Possible reduction in student fees, a proposal on the plus/minus grading model and electing a new Educational Technology Committee member.
Proposed area code change for the Valley
The growing number of home and business telephones has created a shortage of available telephone numbers in the San Fernando Valley’s 818 area code. Now, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) is proposing a new area code for the Valley – 747. For more than 20 years, the Valley has avoided the area code cut outs that have hit much of Southern California.
Halo 3: Perfection evolves
The air erupts with electricity. Shouts echo from every direction, machine gunfire drowning out any hope of understanding them. Bolts of plasma cut through line of trees ahead, leaving scorch marks in their wake. The enemy is within sight. I see their alien eyes widen with surprise and just as I raise my weapon to pull the trigger- The phone rings and I’m forced to press pause.
Valley, Citrus shutout
The sun couldn’t have been brighter for the Pierce College Women’s soccer team on Sept. 25. The Brahmas hosted Valley College at The Pit and dismissed them with a 6-0 shut out win to start the Western State Conference tournament. “It was the best game of the year,” said Brahma coach Adolfo Perez of his team’s 10th game of the 2007 season.
Finally Extinct
The third installment of Resident Evil has finally come and in all honesty, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. The successful video game franchise deals with one thing only: Survival Horror. In every sense, this genre has propelled the series to its current stature in the film industry.
Two hour power outage hits campus
You never think about how important electricity is until it’s not there. Several minutes after 8 a.m. Sept. 26, students, faculty and staff thought about electricity on campus… there wasn’t any. Pierce College President Robert Garber said that it was a Department of Water and Power (DWP) problem.