When people hear the word Thanksgiving, they instantly think of another word: FOOD! The Thanksgiving holiday is full of traditions, the most prominent being its magnificent feasts. On the fourth Thursday in November across the United States, families and friends join together.
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Holiday Havoc
Rock for the ages Even though it’s not December yet, it’s never too early for gifts. What if one of those gifts was a group of the coolest acts in punk neatly wrapped in a day-long package? Over the weekend, five bands and one solo vocalist brought the season to new levels of rock for the Holiday Havoc festival.
A silent tribute
Missing Students?508 words / 44 lines / 11 inches Amanda Milewski Suggested head:? A silent tribute ?The 120 “Missing Students” that stood in Swisher Park at Pierce could not move or speak, but their message of awareness regarding class cutbacks and fee hikes was seen and heard.
Additional smoking restrictions proposed
The Pierce College Work Environment Committee (WEC) has propsed to reduce the current 12 smoking zones to nine. Since the passage of legislation which prohibits smoking within 25 feet of doorways and windows, the committee has regulated smoking areas on campus.
Future of the cafeteria unsure for summer, again
The cafeteria is seeing red and trying to make up for its $100,000 debt. According to Larry Kraus, associated vice president of the office of development and enterprise, the options are being weighed in order to figure out if the cafeteria will be open this summer.
Vet tech students garner accolades
The Agriculture Studies Department at Pierce College will be having a celebration on May 22, awarding students of the animal sciences who have recently been accepted into veterinary schools around the country. Dr. Leland Shapiro, director of the pre-veterinary program, will be hosting this event to honor 13 students who will be attending various graduate schools of veterinary medicine.
Varied mediums at annual juried art show
Pierce College’s Annual Juried Student Art Show opened Monday in the Pierce College Art Gallery. “We have some really talented students,” according to Mary Oliver, gallery curator. “It’s really exciting for them to have their work up in a gallery environment.
Lets hear it 4 school spirit!
Pierce College students were enthusiastic about the cheerleading tryouts this year as nearly 20 spirited dancers showed off their moves. The co-ed cheerleading and dance tryouts were held three days in a row at the North Gym. “Clinics,” were held for two days and consisted of teaching offense, defense and general cheers, which the participants had to memorize for the actual tryouts held on the third day.
Flushing a fortune
$4.3 million. That’s a lot of money to flush away. Our education system is forever in need of improvement and $4.3 million could pave the road to a better education for community college students at the nine L.A. Community College District campuses. Instead, this money is being spent on a runoff election between the top two vote-getters for Seat Five on the LACCD board of trustees: current board president Georgia Mercer, and her opponent from the reform group, “Alliance for Education,” Roy Burns.
Inform, then contain
Last week, when the demolition work began on the bungalows, few at Pierce seemed to bat an eye. But, the front page photo that this newspaper ran showing asbestos warning signs and quoting a crew supervisor as saying that the asbestos was going to the dump, reportedly caused an uproar among College officials.