With nearby Calabasas passing one of the nation’s harshest anti-smoking bills in years is there a possibility Pierce College will join them? This issue has sparked a debate amongst many groups at Pierce, and while some have strong opinions, a majority of people are finding it difficult to pick a side.
Author: Archive
Garber: the first 100 days
Tomorrow will be Robert Garber’s 100th day in office as the 19th president of the college. Since he began his presidency, he has stalled plans to end Internet access in the Learning Center; learned the rules of Cow Chip Bingo and hiked the rolling hills adjacent to the farm, as well as attended home games and discussed plans for online instruction.
Calabasas sucks for smokers
I am a dirty filthy smoker.† † I smoke a pack a day and by all indications from those that I come into contact with, I am going to soon be infected with terrible diseases and probably die early.† † As if that weren’t punishment enough for my choice, now, because of my habit, I am potentially a criminal in my own town.
American family brings big laughs
“You Can’t Take It With You” was a hit for most of its opening night audience, which laughed heartily when it was supposed to, but also found meaning in the heartfelt, serious moments as well. As a whole, the play was generally good, well written and acted.
Top 10 classes dropped
As students, most of us have dropped a class for one reason or another. The particulars involved in deciding to drop vary for all students. Therefore, for the sake of public interest, thanks to data provided by the Los Angeles Pierce College Office of Institutional Research, here are the top 10 dropped courses at Pierce College.
They came, we saw, they danced
With the heat boiling outside, the air-conditioned Performing Arts Building was the perfect escape with spirited entertainment. Seats were filled as the lights dimmed and performers took the stage during the Children’s Dance Theatre on Saturday. The main feature performance was “Peter and the Wolf,” a musical story that was originally created to teach children the different instruments in an orchestra.
English writing cripples students
Writing clearly and correctly seems to be the most significant difficulty among other English learning problems for today’s college students. Certain amount of students need more help in English and approximately 15 percent of Pierce students are below college-level English courses, said Donna Accardo, English department chair, who teaches English 21 and a Shakespeare class.
Accent breaks down communication
Every time she speaks, Linda Bui inevitably draws the attention of the entire class, no matter whether she likes it or not, by the way she speaks English. A nursing major at Pierce College who emigrated to the U.S. from Vietnam in 2004, Bui speaks English with a heavy accent.
Dean to retire with traveling in mind
After working 14 years at Pierce College, Carlos Martinez, dean of academic affairs, will see retirement June 30 to pursue his musical interests and travel. “There are just so many things I want to do in my life. I want to travel and do a lot of reading.
Fiddlin’ in the rain…
The 46th annual Topanga Fiddle Contest and Folk Festival took place Sunday with more than 5,000 people enjoying perfomances, food and contests. It was hosted by the Paramount Ranch near Agoura. “It’s Southern California’s favorite old time and bluegrass music event.