After hearing about his many creative endeavors, it is easy to see why he is a Gemini. Greg Thirloway, an accomplished actor, artist and furniture designer is just as unique as his Scottish-Irish last name. As a child he was drawn into art after his mother took him to the Los Angeles County Museum almost 35 years ago to view Pablo Picasso Retrospective exhibit.
Author: Archive
Student Affairs Committee stirsup college plans
The Student Affairs Committee wants to revolutionize Pierce College. The legal entity governed by the Los Angeles Community College District board of trustees has big changes in mind for the future of the college. Plans to expand the cafeteria with brand food such as Subway and Panda Express are among their projects as well as working to register students to vote.
Logan retires, Senate gets new president
The mid-term retirement of Barrie Logan, Ph.D., Pierce College Academic Senate president places Vice President of Academic Policy Izzy Goodman, Ph.D., into the presidency. “I’m here to build a consensus,” said Goodman. “I’ve known Izzy since he came here in 1984.
Unrest at Mission
Tears flowed as students and faculty from Mission College gathered at the Los Angeles Community College District board meeting May 10 to protest the alleged assault and arrest of a political science professor by Sheriff’s Sgt. Joe Grasso, who supervises Mission, Pierce and Valley Colleges.
Q: How do you feel about smoking on campus?
“I like the policy now with the designated smoking areas. It’s good that we have our place to smoke.” Carlo Marasigan, 20 psychology “It’s OK on campus as long as people are in the designated smoking areas. People should look around though before they light up.
James takes center stage
Leading the cast of characters for “James and the Giant Peach,” a play directed by Theatre Arts Professor RoZsa Horvath, is 11-year-old Ben Rogers, a sixth-grader who will play James. He is currently enrolled in the Children’s Theatre Production at Pierce College and attends class at Redwood Middle School in Thousand Oaks.
A date from hell
Two of the six writers from “Scary Movie” came up with a clever satire yet again, but the film “Date Movie” should have gone straight to DVD. Although this film was fourth in earnings on opening weekend, it suffers from overacting, not to mention some scenes which would cause audiences to choke on popcorn.
A crash course on DUI
It’s funny how everything happens in the blink of an eye. One minute you’re on top of the world-and then, “BAM!” Everything comes crashing down. That’s what happened to me this month. It was a typical weeknight, a long day at school followed by work until 1 a.
Need a job? Try Asia
Imagine that you graduated from college and found a good job working for the same company for 30 years. Four years away from retirement, your company notifies you that they are moving your plant to Mexico in order to cut costs. Suddenly, you are unemployed.
An ode to WOMEN A brief history
In 1978, a public celebration was started in Sonoma County, Calif. by the Education Task Force, which would be called “Women’s History Week.” The week coincided with March 8, International Women’s Day. Three years later, in 1981, Congress ruled to officially make the week known as a national Women’s History Week.