One Book One Campus presented the Comic Expo at the Learning Crossroads Courtyard and Multicultural Center on Thursday. At each booth, writers and artists promoted
Category: Campus Life
Romance, heartbreak & music
It’s no secret how difficult it can be to pull off a successful musical. With so many aspects to take into consideration such as choreography,
A moment in Armenian history to remember
On April 24, 1915, 1.5 million Armenian souls were massacred by the Turkish government of the Ottoman Empire in World War 1. Each year on
Dealing with isolation
Pierce College Film Club presented their first-semester screening as part of the “AIsolation Film Series” at the Multicultural Center on Thursday. The 2001 Japanese techno-horror
A city in space
The French Film Festival ended its series of movie screenings with the film “Gagarine” on Thursday at the Multicultural Center. “Gagarine” is about a red
Activism: turquoise warrior-style
Activism, advocacy and awareness seem to be important to a lot of college students. The Multicultural Day keynote presentation gave Pierce College students the opportunity
A path toward wellness
Many students struggle to know all their resources on campus, but those resources were highlighted with fun games and community at Pierce College’s Health Fair.
Making the unknown known
An evening under the stars at the STEM after dark and telescope event proved to be a thrill for many wanting to see the stars
A smorgasbord of sound
Having the chance to perform on a big bright stage, in front of an unfamiliar audience, is an opportunity that many artists crave. Pierce College’s
From mime to the movies
From a child with a dream, to an industry place maker, actor CJ Jones has worked toward his acting career in Hollywood since he was