Strings of T-shirts dressed the Mall in flapping blues, purples, oranges, reds, greens and whites as they caught the wind and painted the
Category: News
Health Center clinicians wear pink every day
October doesn’t warrant any special attention to breast cancer for Pierce College’s Student Health Center. Instead, clinicians do pink ribbons justice every day by
Professor called out over unions
A comment made by Don Sparks, president for the American Federation of Teachers Chapter 1521A towards Economics professor Pam Brown raised more
Professors explain Proposition 30
Two well-known professors explained alternatives and fiscal consequences during a debate on Proposition 30 for students in the Great Hall during the Day of Politics
Weather station rededicated after six decades
With storm clouds gathering to bring rainfall just hours afterward, members of the local community gathered at the Pierce College Weather Station to commemorate six
Sherman, Berman highlight Day of Politics 2
Photos: Jasson Bautista and Nadine Gostantian The congressional debate hosted in Pierce College’s Great Hall on Thursday heated up when Congressman Brad Sherman put
Weather station celebration brings out the crowd
The Pierce College Weather Station held their rededication event Oct. 11 in honor of new upgrades to the station, funded in part
Surprise hail catches students off guard
Rain, thunder, lightning, and hail took Pierce College students by surprise on Thursday afternoon. Doppler radar is
Students quick to aid seizing classmate
A Pierce College student was taken to the hospital by ambulance after experiencing a seizure in a classroom on Wednesday evening in the Village.
Academic Senate plays Bingo, learns more about accreditation
Faculty played a round of Bingo in preparation for the March 2013 accreditation review during the Academic Senate meeting at Pierce College on Monday.