Feb. 19 1:30 p.m. Someone reported graffiti on the walls of the North Gym restrooms. 5:30 p.m. Sometime between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., a vehicle was stolen from Parking Lot 4. The victim left the keys in the vehicle. Feb. 20 1:20 p.m. In the Horticulture parking lot, a vehicle was damaged by an unknown object.
Category: News
Waiting lists get the axe
The new software that will do away with the “waiting list” enrollment process at Pierce College was discussed at the Academic Senate meeting Feb. 25. A handout that described how the new method would be more efficient was presented by Robert Martinez, academic policy vice president and William Duxler, physics and planetary science department chair.
Getting on the ticket
The spring election is just around the corner and the Associated Student Organization is excited about what some are calling an “incredibly contested” upcoming election. With the release of the official list of students running for office yesterday, the ASO is gearing up for what it expects to be a busier campaigning season than last year, leading into elections somewhere between late March and early April.
Farm Market to re-open in April
The Farm Market at Pierce College will be reopening April 1, providing fresh produce for Pierce and the local community every day. The market, which has been closed since September, is stocked mostly with produce grown at Pierce; however, some items such as strawberries are imported from other local growers, according to market manager Linda Carberry.
Tax returns made easy
The annual Voluntary Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA) is back to offer free tax preparation to both students and non-students. Through the program, which is located in Room 3218 of the Business Education Building, Business 10 students offer free income tax preparation for anyone making less than $40,000 a year.
Intercom to come in fall
The installation of an intercom system, enabling direct communication from classrooms to the sheriff’s office, should be complete by the beginning of the Fall 2008 semester. Nextel has created a one-of-a-kind prototype call box that teachers and students alike can use to directly speak to the sheriff in the case of an emergency.
Alumnus found dead on UC campus
A Pierce College alumnus who transferred to U.C. Santa Cruz as a junior was found dead at his on-campus residence on Feb. 14. Efrain Sanchez Jr., a 20-year-old psychology major, was found unconscious in the shower of a College 10 residence hall at 9:40 a.
A lot like mama’s cooking
What was once called the Pierce College Cafeteria is now called the Pierce Country Cafe, with changes including a new head chef, Jose Cruz, former personal chef to hockey celebrity Wayne Gretzky. The name changed because, “we want a new face and want people to try us and try us again,” said Cafe Manager Linda Brown.
Jan. 30 – 4 p.m. Five laptop computers were stolen from Room 1411 sometime between Jan. 16 and Jan. 29. Though the room was locked, no forced entry was detected. Feb. 4 – 1:50 p.m. In the agricultural area, a contractor engaged in a loud verbal dispute with union representatives.
Super Tuesday, super sweet
People crowded around TV screens as record numbers of voters voiced their opinions. Results were slowly tallied and viewers were kept on edge. And it wasn’t even American Idol. Super Tuesday 2008 (Feb. 5) was the biggest day of voting in presidential primary history and the race on the Democratic side only got closer.