Massive budget cuts forecasted for K-14

In what has been declared a time of fiscal emergency, the California Community Colleges System (CCC) stands to suffer a forecasted $525 million budget cut, according to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s proposed 2008-09 budget. Schwarzenegger proposed a $40 million cut to the CCC for the remainder of this fiscal year; with the new fiscal year starting July 1, another $480 million is forecasted to be cut.

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Pierce succeeds at accommodating, attracting growth

With a head count slightly more than 20,000 for the Spring 2008 semester, Pierce College has continued to expand and maintain a growing campus. Pierce enrollment has increased about 8.5 percent in enrollment compared to Spring 2007. In a few ways, Pierce has already begun to adjust to this growth by adding 250 new parking spaces, a new cafeteria and new ideas for the future.

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