An insurance broker. A tutor for deaf children. A loan officer. These are some of the Pierce College students juggling work and school who have found a path to higher education that suits their unique needs in the Pierce Accelerated College Education (PACE) program.
Category: News
Web update, out-of-date
The highly anticipated, newly designed Los Angeles Pierce College Web site made its debut at the beginning of this semester. I was underwhelmed and disappointed. The Los Angeles Community College District mandated that all district Web sites use the new Content Management System.
Suffering secondhand
It is safe to assume that everyone reading this publication is well aware of the fact that cigarette smoke is harmful to an individual’s health. The number of public service announcements warning consumers of the fatality of smoking cigarettes is countless.
Pierce student kidnapped, robbed
An unidentified Pierce College student was robbed and kidnapped in front of Pierce College Wednesday afternoon while walking to his car on Winnetka Avenue.
Helicopter makes emergency landing at Pierce
A helicopter landed today at a Pierce College field on Victory Boulevard and Winnetka Ave. to take a three-year-old girl to Children’s hospital after she had a seizure in her mother’s car.
Weight of a hundred propositions
The election approaches and all of California’s residents have, in recent weeks, been bombarded by television, radio and mail advertisements urging us to vote “Yes” or “No” on the six propositions that have been tacked on to the presidential primaries this time around.
CSU’s change application deadline
A new deadline for most California State University applications will begin six months earlier than usual, on Feb. 1st and will affect up to 10,000 incoming freshmen. The deadline change does not affect community college transfer students, only high school graduates coming into the CSU system as freshmen.
Sheriff’s Blotter
DMV sting operation nets 16: The Department of Motor Vehicles conducted a sweep of Pierce College March 6, running a sting operation to catch drivers illegally using disabled placards for parking on campus, netting at least 16 people. According to an employee of the sheriff’s department, most of those caught were using the placards of disabled family members.
’80s style trends returns to legs
Fashion trends always come back… just as fast of they go out! And as of January 2007, leggings are back: big and bold, making a statement with classic black to an array of color and pattern selections. In the years of the 80s, when leg warmers, lingerie as outerwear, Jordache Jeans, jelly shoes, teased hair and vans were in, it seems like some of these things are making a comeback.
Learning online, ‘Moodle’ style
At its Dec. 4 meeting, the Pierce College Academic Senate discussed a new program for faculty called Moodle that will help create an easy and effective online learning system for students. Moodle only became possible due to Title III, a U.S. Department of Education grant in the amount of $370,000 per year for five years that was awarded to Pierce in 2002.