As students, our failure to act in unity has cost us greatly in terms of community college funding. California community colleges may lose up to $525 million, according to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s proposed 2008-09 state budget. Community college enrollment is rising, especially at Pierce College, yet the amount of money we receive from the state is plummeting.
Category: Opinion
Boondock smokers
“Moooo!” No, it’s not the sound of cattle being herded along the farm road; it’s the sound of smokers being herded into any one of the nine tiny boxes where we are now allowed to smoke on campus. All we need now are faculty members standing around us with electric cattle prods to make sure we stay within the lines.
Become a rock star on your own time
The video games Guitar Hero and Rock Band have made it possible for everyone to be a rock star in the comfort of their own home. Guitar Hero is a series of music video games released in 2005-2006 worldwide by RedOctane and Activision. Guitar Hero comes with a controller that looks like a guitar and the game itself involves playing the guitar and hitting the right notes in songs that range from “Iron Man” by Black Sabbath to “Fat Lip” by Sum 41.
A policy as thin as smoke
As an ex-smoker, I understand the harmful effects of the disgusting habit. I understand the animosity felt when someone tells you that you can’t smoke in a certain place. I used to hate rules against smoking and believed they infringed on my God-given rights.
Vote Yes on prop 92
Feb. 5 is a monumental day for community college students to make a significant difference in the voting booths. Proposition 92 directly impacts the amount you spend on education by lowering the unit price from $20 to $15. Potentially, $70 million in fee revenue would be lost to the state, but K-14 will earn $300 million annually.
Please stop hurling junk food at our time-deprived students
From pizza and chips to soups and lattes, the variety of food offered at Pierce College is incredible.
Although I have never considered myself to be a health freak, eating well is a part of my everyday life.
I have sat through one too many science and health classes at Pierce not to know that maintaining a balanced diet contributes greatly to a better quality of life.
Adulthood part 1
Most of us were probably counting the minutes as they slowly ticked by on the long and ever-so-slow march toward turning 18.
Hitting 18 struck a victory bell that rang loudly and clearly – you know, that kind of ring that renders nearby witnesses into a state of shock because it is just that epic.
Quick! Help! Someone get us the Geek Squad!
Somebody call the Geek Squad. Pierce College is far from the forefront of technology. It’s like the little red schoolhouse that tried but just couldn’t. There are countless problems when it comes to using any high technology on this campus. In the past two months, several dramatic and important technological changes have occurred on campus and the Information Technology (IT) department has failed to meet the needs of these changes, causing big problems.
A ditzy blonde? It’s sure better than a dumb brunette
“How many blondes does it take to screw in a light bulb?” “Why did the blonde cross the road?” Over the years I’ve heard them all but it still doesn’t cease to amaze me how many people still humor themselves when they approach me with yet another blonde joke (as though I haven’t heard “that one” before) comically insulting my very intelligence.
How to take back that ‘freshman 15’
It seems like everyone in college, at one time or another has heard of the dreaded “freshman 15.” Late study nights, new roommates, pizza parties and a school cafeteria later, everything we eat will eventually catch up with us, especially if the only example you have for exercise is walking back and forth from your car to class.