A normal morning for an HIV-positive person begins with a hefty cocktail of numerous medications and enough water to last for a trip through the
Tag: news
Department hosts seminar
The Chemistry Department will be presenting a seminar “Frontiers on Science” on Wednesday, Nov. 6 in CFS 1126 at 4:30 p.m. Dr. David Tirrell, a
Workshops available on campus
The Center for Academic Success has more than 40 workshops available for students who need help in many areas of academic studies. Stop by room
Anthropology lecture series continues
The Department of Anthropological and Geographical Sciences will be hosting Dr. Brian Pierson on Tuesday, Nov. 12 from 1 to 2 p.m. for the second
Drop date approaches
The last day to drop classes is Sunday, Nov. 17. All classes must be dropped online through the Student Information System. For short-term and P.A.C.E.
Suites to provide support for online courses
Pierce College is set to open brand new media design and video production suites that are geared toward online media to support PierceOnLine and to
Former Roundup reporter dies at 47
Friends and family gathered on Saturday Oct. 26 to pay their respects to former Roundup photographer Gary Moratz, who died at 47. Moratz, who was
Foley artist invited to speaker series
The Media Arts Department will be hosting Jeff Gross, a foley artist who has mastered the art of creating and mixing sound for film and
Honors program hosts workshop
The Honors Transfer Program is hosting a workshop on Nov. 1 from 10 to 11 a.m. offering tips to help students get in to UCLA.
Annual college fair scheduled
The Career & Transfer Center is hosting a College & University Fair on Thursday, Oct. 31 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Students will have