Emmy award-winning filmmakers shared their experience at Pierce College’s Great Hall Wednesday as a part of the Media Arts Department Speaker Series and highlighted their
Tag: news
20 on-campus smoking areas may become 2
The Work Environment Committee (WEC) proposed a tightening up Pierce College’s non-smoking policy by designating parking lots 1 and 7 the as the only smoking
Free tax preparation offered to low-income families
Low-income families in the San Fernando Valley and greater Los Angeles area can get their taxes prepared for free through an Internal Revenue Service-funded program
How to: LACCD student email accounts
Beginning this semester, Pierce College’s official means of communication will be through its students’ new Los Angeles Community College District email accounts, according to an
Accreditation team leaves campus with 3 recommendations
Pierce College needs to improve on overall planning, student learning outcomes and internal cash control mechanisms, according to findings from a team of educators who
Students rally for education at the state Capitol
Marching across the Tower Bridge in Sacramento, Calif., a wave of chants rippled through the crowd of thousands of protesters. “The students united
Annual Civil War re-enactment canceled
History buffs will not get a chance to participate in Pierce College’s Heritage Days this semester because the college’s president cancelled the Civil War re-enactment
Person detained after assault on professor
View as slideshow Frankie Manes@frankiemanes Just saw 3 cops taze this black outside my class. Dude was screaming like crazy, and now theres cops everywhere!
Student government accepting applications
The Associated Students Organization is currently accepting applications for the upcoming school government elections. The ASO is a student government made up of two branches,
Pierce Civil War re-enactment canceled at homeowners’ request
Pierce College’s annual Civil War re-enactment, which has taken place in the Farm Center for the past three years, has been cancelled by the