More than 27% of young Californians voted in 2018, an 8% increase from 2014, according to an NBC report of California civic engagement data. That
Tag: opinions
Con: Prop 18
For the last 50 years, the minimum voting age requirement in America has been 18 thanks to the 26th Amendment of the United States Constitution.
Con: ‘Let’s stay home”
Majority of students are not ready to leave the nest to move to another state. Some may not be experienced enough going from being familiar
Pro: Time to leave
Progress is not made through inactivity. Students can make a transformative change by moving out of state. Students should move out of state to become
Con: ‘Call me professor”
One of the noblest professions in the world is being a teacher. They spend their days educating the youth of America, while also helping students
Pro: ‘Hey, dude’
Beginning a new school year can be tough for students as they search for classes among a big campus. One way that students can create
Con: Take night classes
Night classes are beneficial in more ways than one, especially for students that can’t take a morning or afternoon class. Students who have full-time jobs
Pro: Take morning classes
An advantage that community colleges typically provide to their applicants is a wide variety of classes such as weekend, late night and early morning classes.
Con: Cancel classes late
The majority of students have experienced the dreaded email stating that a class they signed up for has been canceled. Those students are then burdened
Con: Taking attendance in college
Taking attendance is unnecessary at the college level and, if it counted for a portion of a class’s grade, students could suffer unfairly. As students,