Year: 2009
Growing our way to financial security.
Pierce College is doing better than most when it comes to the budget crisis affecting other Community Colleges. There’s a reason.<br>
Bye Bye Forty-three
With President Barack Obama taking office, Roundup Managing Editor, Antonio Hernandez, has a few words for his predecessor.
Planning saves campus from financial problems
With the current budget crisis forcing districts up and down California to close intersession semesters reduce spring classes and prevent new hires, Pierce College has found a way to tighten the belt without feeling so much of the burn.
Broadcasting change, inspiring hope
With tears welling in the eyes of people hoping for a brighter future, students, faculty and staff attend a nation-changing event.
Keeping a resolution
Quit smoking.
Work out more.
Study more.
We all have our own ideas of what we can do to improve our lives.
These Pierce students, staff and faculty give you an idea of what they want to do for their resolution.
California students start to feel the crunch
Schools in the University of California system may begin to look more like an exclusive club than a place of learning, with the idea of accepting more out-of-state students than in-state.
Pierce basketball loses two conference openers
Men’s and women’s basketball conference openers against Ventura College brings hard losses to hard fought games.