The Following is a statement from president Burke regarding the revision of the proposed new Media Arts building, the news story is available here.
“Over the last two weeks, the college has been asked to validate the priorities it had previously set for future construction projects based on the policy directions we understand the Board of Trustees is considering for expenditure of Measure CC dollars. The criteria includes student demand for the program, a focus on new construction that replaces existing square footage, and the Facilities Condition Index (FCI) for existing buildings. In addition, the college community needs to consider some of its unique topological factors such as the site of the former Library Building and the 80 foot elevation behind that structure.
Based on all of that information, the College Council took advantage of the opportunity to realign its priorities regarding the North of Mall Phase II project and the Digital Arts and Media Building. It has been recommended that they be combined into one project to be built on the site of the former college Library. While we know that this recommendation has an impact on previous expectations for those programs, we respect the fact the Board of Trustees is ultimately responsible for ensuring that all bond funded projects, which are so generously supported by homeowners throughout the City of Los Angeles, make efficient and effective use of bond funds to serve the greatest number of students in all of our excellent and emerging academic and student support programs.”
—Kathleen F. Burke