Moving on to the next level

Moving on to the next level

The fall semester was filled with intense match ups, satisfying victories and team bonds that will never be broken, but for some Brahmas, it’s time to grab the graduation cap and move on to the next level.

It’s a special time in athletes lives when they get chosen out of the thousands to represent a four-year university in the field of their choice, opportunities and experiences just on the horizon. Head coaches send their polished athletes out into the world to step up to the plate of the big dogs.

“That’s why I coach. You know some coaches are more caught up in wins and losses, and that’s what’s most important to them, but to me, it’s the athletes moving forward in their career,” said James Sims, interim football head coach. “I’d rather go 0-10 and sign all these kids to a future in school, than to go 10-0 and not sign anyone.”

The football team has 18 players who have received offers so far. Twelve of the 18 are freshman, and impressive turn out for football. All of the players who made it onto first and second team all-conference received offers.

“It felt good to get an offer. I felt like all my hard work at Pierce had finally paid off,” said Jerrad Wesley, defensive back. “My offer from Concord is a blessing and I’m going to be looking forward to coming in and starting and turning the program.”

Women’s volleyball had a shining star this season as their team captain Shari Volpis took the court by storm.

“I’m getting a bunch of calls everyday so right now it’s just a matter of getting on the phone with the coaches and seeing what they have to offer,” Volpis said. “I’m really going to miss this program and the coaching staff, especially Nabil, but I am excited to go to the next level and have more competition and enter the next phase of my life.”

University of California San Diego just announced that they are moving up to the west coast Division 1 conference and that’s a really big transition for them and Volpis feels like she can see herself as a part of that program so she is very interested in them but is still looking through her options.

“I love Shari, she deserves everything she is going to get,” said Nabil Mardini, women’s volleyball head coach. “I think she got what she worked for, she worked very hard she really earned it. It’s not a secret when you put in the work you’re going to get the benefits.”