The steps to finding a job could be confusing. Whether it’s creating a perfect resume`or learning how to boost your followership on your social media accounts. Some of these questions were answered at the Secrets to Getting Hired Workshop.
The Pierce College’s Great Hall opened its doors on Feb. 28 for the event hosted by FabFitFun representatives. Students were greeted with pizza, water, and coffee mugs.
VP and Talent Acquisition Molly Sigworth started the event by introducing the company FabFitFun which, is a woman’s paid subscription box that gives the subscriber products.
Sigworth discussed how the process works and what they are looking for when they are hiring people.
Sigworth knows what she looks for in terms of hiring someone new for the company. She touched on the importance of having a resume` and how not to overload the reader with too much information.
“Keep it simple and consist. Be truthful if you do not have work experience list things that you are good at and responsible in,” Sigworth said.
Recruiter for FabFitFun Jen Weiser said that a resume` should not be too dense.
“Your resume` should be one page long right out of college, keep it simple,” Weiser said.
Sigworth said that social media is a crucial part of the hiring process many she looks at current people who are in the process and it sometimes determines where or not she hires the person or not.
“Make sure to clean up your social media, google yourself delete pictures that are out there and make your account private,” Sigworth said.
Weiser believes that it is important in googling the company and researching their background. How did they get started, when did they start and to make sure to make a list of things they would like to know more about the company.
“Be prepared and make sure you have a list of 2-3 questions after the interview is done. It shows you are interested in the company,” Weiser said.
Sigworth believes in the power of punctuality and to not talk poorly about bad experiences in previous companies one may have.
“Be early, don’t be late and always be positive about companies you have worked for in the past. You can say it was a great challenge but never talk bad about the company,” Sigworth said.
Sigworth believes that any jobs are a good job. They have to start somewhere and it helps to get used to good habits early.
“Any job is a good job. Try to be a yes man as often as you can and do your task but also don’t be afraid to do something that’s not within your job description,” Sigworth said.
Career center director and counselor, Wendy Meckler stated that she hopes students were able to get some of their questions answered.
“I want students to be prepared for interviewing and finding a job, I wanted the recruiters to give them the message directly since they are the ones that are hiring,” Meckler said.
Meckler wants to make sure students know that there is help on the campus for when they have questions for jobs.
“The main take away I think is come to see us at the career center because there is a lot of this that they talked about that we can help such as resume`, cover letters professional branding,” Meckler said. “My goal is to get the important message to students that will really help them in their career.”
The Career Center can be located at the Student Services Building on the 1st Floor.