“(My favorite TV show is) Breaking Bad. I think the cinematography is great, it has an excellent music score, the cast are all phenomenal actors and there’s a lot of symbolism in the show.”
-Joseph Esten

“Probably Seinfeld. It’s got a very rapid pace and it’s pretty funny.” -Eric Miller

“I am currently watching How I Met Your Father. It’s a spinoff of How I Met Your Mother, but from a female protagonist’s perspective as she learns how to navigate her life in her early adult years in New York City.”
-Vincent Denoga

“My favorite TV show probably has to be Violet Evergarden. It’s a really emotional story about this girl who survives a war and loses a very loved general of hers that she saw as a father-figure.” -Karen Rosales

“My favorite TV show at the moment would probably be Impractical Jokers. I just really follow the characters and I think the show’s really funny.”
-Melissa Jauregui