Summertime Crime

All the sunblock in the world will not prevent a crime, so summer should not stop students and faculty alike from exercising caution around the campus. If any suspicious or illegal activity is witnessed, or in an emergency, dial 311 from any campus phone or (818) 719-6450 from any other phone.

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That’s a wrap!

Yet another semester has passed at Pierce College and what a semester it has been. The good and the bad combined, Spring 2007 proved to be a very important semester for Pierce and all its students. Renovations began during the winter inter-session and have moved into high gear.

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Vending machine woes

In the 4 snack machines on campus, there are two healthy choices: Mr. Nature’s Trail Mix and Nature Valley granola bars. Some people don’t mind this. “No! Don’t take our vending machines away!” said Jessica Bravatti, 17. She said she would definitely not support a health kick in the vending machines, but she did say that, given a choice between fried chips and veggie chips, she would buy the latter.

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