Maybe I just like to party. Maybe I spend too much time going out when I should be studying. I’m probably one of those crazed young adults who comes home late at night and then gives my teacher an excuse about why I don’t have my homework. Or maybe not.
Author: Archive
Taking time to manage time
Setting priorities and effectively managing time is the topic of a seminar tomorrow, 1-3 p.m. in the Sociology Building, Room 1107. The time management seminar is part of a series of ‘Student Success Workshops’ offered through the Counseling department that are designed to help Pierce students have a more successful college experience.
Fall withdrawal deadline Nov. 19
Javier Zazueta
Pierce staff to receive honors ar banquet
‘Winter Wonderland’ is the theme for the Staff Appreciation Banquet Nov. 11 in the Campus Center from noon to 2 p.m. The Alpha Gamma Sigma honor society hosts the event to show appreciation to Pierce staff. The banquet features food and entertainment.
‘What the Hell’
The weather once again provided for a fantastic ‘What the hell?’ column as a portion of campus turned into ‘Lake Pierce.’ It seems the soccer fields double as a drainage area for rainwater runoff. The ‘Pit,’ as it was named, was constructed to conform to building code drainage requirements when the adjacent parking lot was revamped.
Farm Eggs-tragavanza
Whether you prefer them scrambled, poached or baked in a cake, the farm at Pierce can meet your egg needs now they have once again decided to sell ‘free range’ eggs. For the first time in nearly 15 years, the farm is selling chicken eggs for $3 per dozen or $5 for two dozen.
Cliff Notes goes online
If term papers are a “headache,” Cliff Notes online claims to be the aspirin. College students can now find assistance for those often-troublesome literature essays they have to write for English classes. Cliffs Notes, the famous black-and-yellow-striped booklets, are now available online with summaries of 180 titles from classic English and American literature.
Prof. lectures series continues
The Declaration of Independence is the next topic in a series of lectures by Pierce professors. The lecture will be presented by Richard Skidmore, professor of business, on Tuesday, 1-3 p.m. in the Physics-Engineering Building, Room 0914. The Tuesday lecture series, which is open to the entire campus, will continue Nov.
Credit by exam deadline Nov. 19
Petitions to receive course credit by exam are available in the Admissions and Records office. The Fall Semester deadline to take and pass the exams is Nov. 19. Credit by exam may be attempted only once per course, and all prerequisites to the course must be met.
Art Gillis new PACE director
The PACE program at Pierce has a new director: Art Gillis, a business instructor and former accountant and tax specialist. The Program for Accelerated College Education (PACE) offers an eight-week program geared toward working adults who want to earn an A.