Children’s dance auditions: cuttin’ a rug

Auditions for students interested in showing off their “groovin’ skills” in the Children’s Dance Theater will be Sunday at 9 a.m. in the North Gym, room 5601. Marian S. Weiser, who went by the name Scriffin when she danced, is anticipating the upcoming auditions for all styles of dance, ranging from ballet, improve and tap to jazz, modern dance and hip hop.

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Farm walk brings country to the city

In the vast space beyond the concrete grounds of the Pierce College campus lies an immense world of open land occupied by mooing cows, stacks of hay and plenty of “kowchips” scattered around. On Sunday from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., those cows, along with horses, sheep, goats and pigs, were paid a visit by thousands of people at the farm at Pierce to enjoy the 15th annual Farmwalk event.

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HIV/AIDS awareness

“People are not getting tested and there’s a lot more people out there who are sexually active who probably should be tested,” said Beth Benne, R.N., director of the student health center, of the need for HIV testing. As such, students can receive free and anonymous HIV testing at the Health Center during Pierce College’s biannual AIDS/HIV awareness week.

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10% undiagnosed learning disabled

Take out a pencil and check the following list: ? Do you study and study but don’t pass tests? ? Do you read textbook again and again but don’t get it? ? Do you have a hard time concentrating? ? Do you do well in math but not in English or do well in English but not in math? ? Do you need to see or hear it to learn it? If you checked one or more of the above scenarios, you may have a learning disability.

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