The American Scholastic Press Association presented the Bull magazine with two national awards on Thursday. The spring/summer issue of the Bull magazine won the
Category: News
ASO elects new vice president
A special election that took place during yesterday’s weekly Associated Students Organization (ASO) Senate meeting determined who would fill the vice presidency position.
Student and staff walk out to protest school’s possible closure
Suzannah, a student attending West Valley Occupational Center joined the protest on Wednesday, February 8, 2012, at the intersection of Winnetka Avenue and Victory Boulevard,
Students struggle to get classes as the semester begins
Despite the campus efforts to alleviate the stress of getting into classes by adding 40 new English and math classes students are For those
Memorial service for retired Pierce professor of Geography
A memorial service for retired Pierce College Geography professor will take place tomorrow at 10 a.m. at Prince of Peace Episcopal Church. Celeste Kostanick
College is seeking a new vice president
Pierce College is looking to hire a new vice president of administrative services, following the former position holder’s resignation. A notice for the job
Prop 8 overturned
The Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco declared Proposition 8 unconstitutional early this morning. The appeal would allow same-sex couples in
Lack of students means financial woes for Health Center
The financial situation facing California community colleges is taking a toll on the amount of services provided by the Health Center. Because the school
First day of spring semester
Pierce College was buzzing once again as Monday marked the start of the 2012 Spring semester. A new semester brings new students and returning, but
Faculty meeting focuses on student success
Budget issues took a backseat to student success during Friday’s faculty convocation. “There’s never been so much emphasis on student success, and it’s sweeping