$95,000 grant for Pierce

It is a trying time right now for America’s hospitals and in the eyes of many, they are falling apart. According to a CBS news report in January of 2003, American hospitals are in a serious crisis due to the severe and dangerous shortage of nurses, a shortage that can best be summed up by the fact that there are now over 120,000 open positions for registered nurses nationwide.

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Gay club brings insight

One of the recent additions to the Pierce College student clubs is the Gay-Straight Alliance club, also referred to as the “Rainbow Army.” The club meets every Thursday from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. in room Math 1412, and food and drinks are provided. “Do you: Think stereotypes are wrong? Hate discrimination? Want to be in a comfortable environment? Want to meet new people? Think it’s time for a change? Want to make a difference? Come check us out!” reads the club flyer.

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