Sixteen retirements have been announced this semester, saving the school more than $1 million if they are not replaced. Retirement benefits the school because
Tag: Campus
Professor transported to hospital
Update: 4/25/2012, Deidre Hollingsworth was released from the hospital the same day as the accident. Ann Hennessey, associate professor of psychology was quoted to
Online scavenger hunt marks National Library Week
The Pierce College Library is celebrating National Library Week with the hosting of Information Scavenger Hunt, an online information quiz, which will begin today and
Moodle costs to decrease due to system upgrade
Data will have to be transferred, and costs will lessen once the new version of Moodle, Pierce’s virtual classroom system, will begin operating in the
Trailer bill threatens Health Center
Pierce College may lose the Student Health Center due to a trailer bill within the California State Budget Bill, approval of this bill would allow
Bill to determine future of health fee
A trailer bill will soon be voted on that, if passed, would allow community college students to choose whether the health fee they currently pay
Town Hall meeting to discuss effect of budget crisis tomorrow
A town hall meeting to discuss the budget crisis’ impact on Pierce College will be hosted by the school’s administration tomorrow in the Great Hall
Free H.I.V. testing to be given on campus
Free Human Immune deficiency Virus (HIV) testing will be given on campus March 26 to 29 in honor of HIV/AIDS Awareness Week. The testing
Campus administration opens charity for farm
The Pierce College administration created a charity for the campus farm due to recent concern about its financial stability. The “Friends of the Pierce
Cancer walk to take place on campus
The annual 24-hour Relay for Life in Woodland Hills will take place at Pierce College beginning April 28 at 9 a.m. The money raised