The Weekly Blotter

Feb. 19 1:30 p.m. Someone reported graffiti on the walls of the North Gym restrooms. 5:30 p.m. Sometime between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., a vehicle was stolen from Parking Lot 4. The victim left the keys in the vehicle. Feb. 20 1:20 p.m. In the Horticulture parking lot, a vehicle was damaged by an unknown object.

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Farm Market to re-open in April

The Farm Market at Pierce College will be reopening April 1, providing fresh produce for Pierce and the local community every day. The market, which has been closed since September, is stocked mostly with produce grown at Pierce; however, some items such as strawberries are imported from other local growers, according to market manager Linda Carberry.

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Getting on the ticket

The spring election is just around the corner and the Associated Student Organization is excited about what some are calling an “incredibly contested” upcoming election. With the release of the official list of students running for office yesterday, the ASO is gearing up for what it expects to be a busier campaigning season than last year, leading into elections somewhere between late March and early April.

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Where you are in the money scheme

In what has been declared a time of fiscal emergency, the California Community Colleges System (CCC) and K-12 stand to suffer a forecasted $4.4 billion budget cut, according to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s proposed 2008-09 budget. Schwarzenegger proposed a $40 million cut to the CCC for the remainder of this fiscal year; with the new fiscal year starting July 1, another $480 million is forecasted to be cut.

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