Pierce College horse inside a stable.Photo: Jose Romero The Pierce College Farm, the only urban community college farm in Southern California, is undergoing
Tag: news
Foster youth to receive priority registration
Foster youth members will be offered priority registration and special services starting summer 2012. The foster youth services program provides support services to children
Student movie in the works
Associated Students Organization President Shane Mooney is spearheading the development of a film that will be created wholly by the student body, from script writing
Emergency blue phones blocked for usage
Blue Phone’s lay out of service to students and community members of Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif. Monday, February 27, 2012. Photo: Todd Rosenblatt
Strong winds trashing the campus
High winds have created a mess on the Pierce College campus. Winds blowing hard from the North at 24 mph are knocking over trashcans,
Early registration offered to four groups of students
Early class registration dates are offered to students that qualify. There are special educational services offered to four specific groups of students under state
Ninety class sections may be cut beginning fall 2012
Ninety sections are in discussion to be cut in the upcoming fall 2012 and spring 2013 semester according to vice president of Academic Affairs Anna
Math class to be cut next semester
Students looking for a three-unit math class to fulfill their requirements will have to look elsewhere starting next semester, as Math 245 will be eliminated
Club Rush starts at the Great Hall
The music was pumping from the Street Dance Club Booth, and students were laughing, eating baked goods, and talking to club members and club presidents
Uncertain future for building projects
The future of Pierce College’s football stadium and the faculty offices north of the Mall is up in the air after the district’s Board of