With just a pen and a paper and a passion for giving back to the community, two high school students came together and created an
Year: 2014
Former Pierce football player shares how the sport changed his life
For kids growing up in the streets of Los Angeles, life can be tough. With gang violence and drugs so prevalent, children often grow up
Roundup News, Bull Magazine and KPCRadio staff winners at JACC 2014 State Convention
The staff of Pierce College’s Roundup News, The Bull Magazine, and KPC Radio attended the Journalism Association of Community Colleges’ 2014 State Convention, which was held at
Baseball scout helps potential MLB prospects at Pierce
Going from an office as an agent to potential MLB prospects to the confines of a six-by-eight foot jail cell made up of steel bars
Behind the Print: Cartoonist at Work
Behind the Print is an inside look into the Roundup newspaper. On this episode we get to see how our cartoonist makes one of her
Behind the Print: Issue 3
Behind the Print is an inside look into the Roundup newspaper. This episode the newsteam makes deadline for Issue 3. We also get to meet
Behind the Print: The Managing Editor
Behind the Print is an inside look into the Roundup Newspaper. This episode we get to know the Managing Editor and her responsibilities.
Art professor returns to Pierce after battling cancer
Victory doesn’t always comes from winning an event or sport, it can also be won on the verge of death. In May of 2013, Assistant
Sheriffs create safety awareness video with student participation
A casting call has been released by the Los Angeles County Sheriffs’ Department Video Production unit for a public service film that will portray violent
Concert Review: concerts at Pierce incorporate a variety of melodies
Another Pierce student concert fashioned an amazing show in the musical recital building, with a variety of cover songs and even a few originals cultivated