While Pierce College prioritizes helping disadvantaged students of all types through its Academic Accommodations, there are some out there who need more direct assistance in
Category: Editorials
Boost attendance for sporting events
It’s the last 10 seconds of a home basketball game. The players are tired. They gather their remaining strength and channel it into a last-minute
Add more sports on campus
Pierce College is one of five LACCD schools that doesn’t have a men’s soccer program and women’s cross country. With how successful the Brahmas women’s
Give the students more food options
Pierce College is a school that has a large farm as its founding focus at the institution. It could grow fresh ingredients that serve as
Giving back while helping others in need
Empty binders taking up space on the shelf. Miscellaneous crafting supplies from an art elective. These items that sit unused by one student could find
More food options at sporting events
It’s a hot afternoon on the Pierce College campus as the soccer team prepares for another season kickoff. The players are focused, the referees are
Bring back the spooktacular decorations
The spooky season is in full swing, but it doesn’t seem like it at Pierce College. One year ago, the campus was empty due to
Go out and make your voice heard
Since the 1980s, holding elections for political positions in office has been a way for Americans to give their opinion on which candidate they feel
Make free parking permanent
When morning rush hour occurs, students scramble to get in their cars, drive and compete to find the best parking spot. And once they park,
Providing help before it’s too late
September is Suicide Awareness Month. You may not know that suicide is a topic that scares many people, and as a result, is not discussed