The Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco declared Proposition 8 unconstitutional early this morning. The appeal would allow same-sex couples in
Tag: news
Lack of students means financial woes for Health Center
The financial situation facing California community colleges is taking a toll on the amount of services provided by the Health Center. Because the school
First day of spring semester
Pierce College was buzzing once again as Monday marked the start of the 2012 Spring semester. A new semester brings new students and returning, but
Faculty meeting focuses on student success
Budget issues took a backseat to student success during Friday’s faculty convocation. “There’s never been so much emphasis on student success, and it’s sweeping
Sheriffs orchestrate shootout on campus
How should the sheriffs respond if a there is a shooter on campus? Sheriff’s Detective Sergeant Richard Martinez, along with Deputy Ron Nohles
Active shooter event on campus
The Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department will be hosting their Active Shooter event this morning at 7 a.m., according to Senior Lead Deputy Ron Nohles. The
Sheriffs: Parking Tips
As each semester begins parking on campus is a migraine-creating ordeal. Since there are no parking passes required and so many students trying to add
Cheaper textbooks could be on the horizon
Legislation is being proposed to reduce the cost of College textbooks in California. Senate leader Darrell Steinberg of Sacramento is pushing
Big sites protest SOPA and PIPA
Wikipedia and other big internet sites have gone black to protest the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect Intellectual Property Act (PIPA) which
Teacher representation at Martin Luther King Jr. parade
The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) will be joining in the 27 annual Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK) Kingdom day parade today. The parade will