Pierce College received the “Best College 2015” award by the Los Angeles Daily News Readers Choice Awards. (DNRCA) This is not the first notable honor
Tag: Pierce College
Outer space dreams lead to NASA
Space inspires a universal curiosity that many may ponder, but few delve deeply into. Through hard work, Katya Yanez was selected to visit NASA’s Armstrong
Veterans find Camaraderie
From bunkers to study groups, the Student Veterans of America Club are showing that although the transition from military life to civilian life is
Philosopher’s Cabaret
Pierce College will host the Philosopher’s Cabaret to showcase various art by Pierce students in the Great Hall on May 25 at 5 p.m.
Busy campus calls for a place of solitude
It’s no secret that we live in a much faster paced world than the days of our grandparents. Early mornings, late nights, and multiple deadlines
General education an option
After 12 years of education on a broad range of topics, students are usually able to determine their academic strengths and weaknesses. Ideally, students would
Food desert Fridays need fixing
The easy parking and quiet campus on Fridays are great, but the lack of on-campus food options makes finding lunch difficult. The three food trucks
Lower the units for full-time status
To obtain 12 units to be considered a full-time student is arguably the most frustrating part about registering for classes. The units required to be
Administrators should have office hours
Community colleges are public institutions, funded by the taxpayers, and as such it is critical that students have open access to the people who
Drought foreshadows dystopian future
NASA estimated that California has less than a year’s worth of water left due to our current drought. Experts say that if we conserve water