Class participation shouldn’t be mandatory for a student’s grade. Not only is it too ambiguous to grade, but it also punishes and creates a hostile
Tag: Pierce College
Earthquake prep needed
As the world mourns the more than 4,000 people killed in the 7.8-magnitude earthquake which hit the Nepalese capital of Kathmandu, Angelenos should view the
Behind the Print: Deadline Day
Editors discuss the pressures of meeting deadlines and their experiences this semester in their new roles.
From CSU to CC
Often we hear people shun community colleges, but like many things in life, you never know the true value of something until you experience it
Con: Teachers grading on a curve
Grading on the curve is a method of grading that is based on letter grades that are distributed on a bell curve. Typically, for an
Pro: Teachers grading on a curve
Grading on a curve is a highly useful tool that all professors should utilize in their classes. Procedures that are used to grade on a
Pro: Should vaccinations be mandatory?
While travel vaccinations are widely perceived as totally acceptable by most communities, to the extent that you can now get travel vaccinations by Pharmavaccs at
Con: Should vaccinations be mandatory?
Vaccines should not be mandatory for citizens of the U.S. Although there is no federal law that mandates getting vaccinated, all 50 states independently require
Meeting baby goats at the Farmwalk
The public was able to get close to the baby goats of Pierce College during its annual Farmwalk. Johnathan Castillo, a 24-year-old Vet Tech major,