Warning this column contains the F-word. It’s extreme, it’s offensive, it’s – feminism. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the word feminism as “the theory of the
Category: Column
Holiday shopping tips
The holiday season is in full swing. Classic Christmas songs are playing on the radio, getting you in the spirit. However, here comes the tough
Mitch’s Pitches: Relationsports
Let me pitch you something: there is a driving force stronger than physical capabilities that has a profound effect on an athlete’s performance. I’m talking
Mitch’s Pitches: Sit yo flag down
Let me pitch you something: Colin Kaepernick and any other NFL player, can take a knee during the national anthem if they want — it
Column: Breakup to move on
Everybody reacts to breakups differently, but there’s a more productive approach to the post-breakup process. It’s almost winter and cuddle season is already starting. You
Column: Health and fitness tips
Having great nutrition is a key element to living a healthy and active lifestyle. By taking baby steps forward and committing to making changes in
Clinton campaign
This year’s election, through the fault of both candidates and “big politics”, has been reduced to reality TV despite the very real consequences we are
Trump campaign
Donald Trump is my pick for the best platform and my choice for President of the United States. Despite the things that Trump may have
Column: Why I didn’t cheer when Trump’s star was destroyed
Imagine that you and a colleague get into a heated argument. It escalates to a point where you insult his appearance and interrupt him multiple
Column: Tips for dating men
An easy solution to an age-old question: Who pays on the first date? The person who invites the other out has asserted their interest, and