Gov. Jerry Brown’s 2012-13 budget proposal, released Jan. 5, shows that California has a deficit of $9.2 billion. Brown proposes $4.2 billion in cuts from
Tag: news
Campus in need of plumbers
Lack of plumbers mahwah nj and insufficient gardening are causing dead grass areas on campus. The irrigation system at Rocky Young Park by the Center
Downpour drenches Pierce
An unexpected downpour soaked Pierce College students Thursday as they hurried to their final classes for the semester. Slight showers become a torrential downpour
Journalism students could win $5,000
Twenty-two $5,000 scholarships will be awarded today to students who tweet about the First Amendment. The “Free to Tweet” scholarship, funded by the John S.
Vice president of Administrative Services to leave Pierce
The vice president of Administrative Services will be leaving Pierce College in Feburary. Ken Takeda accepted an offer in his same position at West Los
LAPD helicopter lands at Shepard Stadium
Photo: Jose Romero A helicopter made an emergency landing on the field at Shepard Stadium today after the emergency lights came on, according to
Bookstore Manager failed to appear in court today
The Pierce College Bookstore manager failed to appear in court today. Kim Saunders, the Bookstore manager who was arrested on suspicion of embezzlement earlier this
State wide action against Student Success Task Force
The San Francisco City College newspaper, The Guardsman, and their Editor in Chief Joe Fitzgerald are planning a state wide action against the Student Success
Man arrested on suspicion of assault
Pierce College Sheriffs arrested a Pierce student Thursday on suspicion of assaulting a police officer and disturbing the peace. Senior Lead Sheriff’s Deputy Ron
Pierce reacts to Virginia Tech shooting
The recent campus shooting at Virginia Tech has increased concerns regarding college campus security nationwide and here at Pierce. Thursday morning a police officer