The recent campus shooting at Virginia Tech has increased concerns regarding college campus security nationwide and here at Pierce. Thursday morning a police officer
Tag: Pierce College
Fall 2011 in review
The sizzling September sun that lazily loomed over Pierce College is a faint memory as the end of the fall semester draws near. Now facing
Christmas at Pierce
With the holidays quickly approaching, the Pierce College Farm Center is packing away the Halloween decorations and incorporating Christmas-themed activities to its everyday
Making the ordinary extraordinary
He stands before his class as they chat away in groups of three and four. This is Personal Development 40, a class that is anything
EOPS helps end racial problems
Imagine a student at college. They already have problems, but now add to that the boundary of race. That’s what a large group of students
History of the historic teacher
War. The boy always brought back books about war. That’s not what his mother brought him to the library for. She thought he should read
Top 7 places to study at Pierce College
With the student body already concerning about finals week this semester and the enormous amount of stress that could bring to them with big tests
Public records show LACCD employee salaries
California’s budget crisis, and the subsequent slashing of government institutions, such as public universities, have caused an increasingly watchful eye to be turned towards
The coach behind the scenes
With five seconds left on the clock in Pierce College’s last game of the year against Antelope Valley College on November 7, 2009, kicker Steven
Seeking leadership from the ASO
The student leadership at Pierce College has an opportunity to make real change in the lives of the students but instead has settled